Wednesday, September 05, 2007

In A Preacher's Mind!

Recently I was asked a question by a very good friend of mine, "how is the ministry going"? I must say that I quickly rattled off one of those prepared before hand answers. You know, those short, sweet and not so true answers. The ones we package up before hand only to unwrap them on those who ask us questions. Without even processing the data that had entered my ears I said "all is well with it" when the truth is not all is well with it!

If I could replay that day I would actually tell my friend that it has been a hard knock life for me! Over the last 8 months, my life which is my ministry has been in a funk of frustration and fury. Life's unapologetic and sometimes brutish ways seem to be pushing me toward the edge of one funky, frustrated, fury filled mood after another and I am just trying not to lose my head...a hu hu hu hu! That's what I would tell him.

During our conversation he mentioned coming out to the blog and reading the messages that had been previously posted. They seemed to have provided him with some sense of joy and excitement. As he spoke, I felt the burn of embarrassment while expressing my shame verbally for not having posted any thing new in a long time. But then it hit me! Write your way out. To get out of this funk, I need to write my way out!!

As I sit in this chair tonight and reflect on what has taken place it occurs to me that I needed to hear my friend say he was reading the blog. I needed to feel the burn of embarrassment. I needed to hear myself express shame for not writing because I needed to realize that although life has a way of pushing you toward the edge, life and or ministry must go on!!

So I have said all of that to say this: The Printing Press has been fixed! Holla~

Monday, May 15, 2006

Don't Sweat it, You're Still Standing!

Well, my exams are done which means this semester has come to an end. I have been missing in action and have not been able to update the site because of my class schedule but WE ARE BACK. I pray that each of you have been blessed by the previous posts. Here is a new one. Thanks to all of you who comment on each post that is created. Be blessed!

Jude 1:24 Now to the one who is able to keep you from falling...

Here is the thought: Don’t Sweat, You’re Still Standing!
Do you know that GOD is the only ONE who can keep us from falling? I hope you are shouting right now because that's good news. Why? If you are not falling then that means you are STILL STANDING!!

God has a way of keeping us from falling so that we can STILL STAND in His presence without fault!! That’s really good news. Why? There are going to be times that we just don’t quite measure up to God’s standard, but HE keeps us from falling!! For example, we have a tendency to mess up the blessing that He gives us, but HE still presents us faultless before His presences.

What have you been hit with that has tried to knock you down!!??

.....Its the 15th and the rent is late but I'm STILL STANDING
.....I don't have a dollar in my pocket but I'm STILL STANDING
.....No gas in my car but I'm STILL STANDING
.....Got haters at the job tripin on me but I'M STILL STANDING
.....Single and all alone with nobody by my side but I'm STILL STANDING
.....Spouse is tripin like the marriage don't mean nothin but I'm STILL
.....Family is sick and I don't know what to do but I'm STILL STANDING


Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Spoken Word: Simply Put!

It’s the simple things that we miss, trying so hard to be so deep, He said it’s by GRACE alone but why is that so hard to keep. We can’t compete, no work will earn a chance to boast, There was only ONE on the cross that day, He said it was finished and gave up the ghost. For some odd reason we think we can do better than what’s already been done, how? Through philosophy or psychology instead of the resurrected Son? He’s the One who knows and searches the heart of man, So from the start because of sin death do us part but thank God for His plan. Yeah! The Messiah, the promise, the Sacrifice who dwelt among us, Held His tongue and hung for us. HE is the one who gives life, Takes away the darkness of death and brings forth Light. Can you see, from this plea the plan from God through Christ that gives liberty, HE alone is ALL MIGHTY; listen close to what’s been said, The ax is at the “rut” (root), repent and believe the gospel about Jesus Christ and that’s simply put!

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Is Your Reflection Attracting Other Women?

Titus 2
2:3 Older women likewise are to exhibit behavior fitting for those who are holy, not slandering, not slaves to excessive drinking, but teaching what is good. 2:4 In this way they will train the younger women to love their husbands, to love their children, 2:5 to be self-controlled, pure, fulfilling their duties at home, kind, being subject to their own husbands,....

Today we will further the thought from the last post with the following:
"Is your REFLECTION attracting other women?"

Our verse from last the last post ended with "teaching what is good" which means that a woman's REFLECTION should be an example of what is fitting. The next word I would like to pull out is located in verse four and it is TRAIN, which means "to make prepared or form by instruction". This is kinda heavy but here it goes. A woman's REFLECTION presents information that prepares other women to responded in obedience to GOD. In other words, how she acts can make the difference between someone else GROWING or NOT GROWING in Christ.

Matt. 28:19, 20 states that we are to be making disciples or helping others to become more like Christ. How many young women do you know that need to become more like Christ? Well, your REFLECTION is all the training they need. Exhibiting fitting behavior leads to developing a teacher/student relationship with younger women. The verse says "train" and its impossible to do so without the RIGHT REFLECTION AND RELATIONSHIP.

There are two types of people that young women today will not respond to.
1) Women they don't know and 2) Women who do not reflect what they are trying to teach. Music videos and fictional novels have become replacements for teaching younger women how to date, dress and develop but the scriptures state that it's the duty of every Christian woman to develop a RELATIONSHIP that is a good example to those around her.

Your REFLECTION should attract people naturally. Let me make a quick point about ATTRACTION to put this together. Paul teaches in Ephesisans 5 that Christ sanctified the church for the purpose of presenting her to HIMSELF as glorious. In other words HE didn't do it for the church to be glorious to others. Its kinda like when I purchase my wife a new fragrance to wear when we go out on a date. I do it because I love the scent she gives off and not to attract other men. But because she gives off a nice fragrance when she walks by, naturally she has the attention of other men. The reflection of a fitting behavior should come naturally because its who you are and in the process it attracts others who love being around you.


Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Can you see your Reflection?

Titus 2
2:3 Older women likewise are to exhibit behavior fitting for those who are holy, not slandering, not slaves to excessive drinking, but teaching what is good.

For the next few messages we will discuss issues dealing with women. Next we will deal with the bruh's. So today lets look at the following thought: Can you see your Reflection?

Do you remember the following nursery rhyme? "Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of them all?" The Queen, Snow White's stepmother, would always ask that question and the mirror would always say that she was the fairest of them all. But when the mirror found out about Snow White, it had to tell the truth.

Today we can stand before the mirror of Titus 2:3 and see our real REFLECTION! There is an important word in the verse that I would like to pull out, EXHIBIT! This word means to show or display outwardly as a visible sign or action. In other words, beauty is more than a woman's "good looks" but it’s about how she lives her life. Her behavior is her REFLECTION.

The New American Standard says that she should be reverent in her behavior. Everything she does should be honorable. We can find an example of exhibiting an honorable life from Proverbs 31. A few characteristics are: 1) A woman should be priceless, 2) Trustworthy, 3) Wise, 4) A giver or someone who is hospitable, 5) Dresses well, 6) One who is looked up to by those who know her and 7) One who fears the LORD. A real woman exhibits a holy lifestyle not the opposite.

In the verse above we find an example of the wrong behavior. Women are not to be slanders! The New American Standard version says they are not to be malicious gossips. Its interesting because the Greek word for malicious gossips is diabolos which means to falsely accuse. This is the same character trait that the devil exhibits. Remember in the book of Job when he went before GOD as Job's accuser?

Of course, this is just one example of the wrong character trait for a woman but there is a reason for its use and we will wait for the next message to put it all together. But for now, what does your REFLECTION look like in the mirror of scripture? Holla~

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Spoken Word: WHAT A GOD

A deep breath I take, inhaling the air of a new day, as my eyes open I stretch my legs and feet as the thought hits my heart to pray, “Get up”, “Get up”, I hear the tender sound, of a voice so sweet, but yet so profound, that said to me, I AM THE ALPHA and OMEGA, He who set you free, gave you liberty, yes you indeed, who was once bound, lost but now found, there is none like Me, huh, no not one, who loves you so much that He gave up His only begotten Son, tell me, this, can anyone else proclaim?, let him come and straighten things out, that we may all know just who ordained, heaven and earth, took dust that was plain, shaped it, blew into it, and gave life to a man that He named, can anyone, can anyone proclaim?, No, I AM THE LIVING GOD, and there is none like Me, then, without hesitation or reservation on my knees I fell, bowed head and closed eyes, with my heart I began to meditate, thinking about what just happened how GOD HIMSELF set the record straight, by you I have a new day and that I appreciate.

Friday, April 07, 2006


Phillipians 4:8 Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is worthy of respect, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if something is excellent or praiseworthy, think about these things.

What in the world are you thinking about today? What has you so distured that you can't stop thinkin about it?

....The bill collectors are going to call today so I am going to let the phone go to voice mail?

...My car aint working right but I gotta get to work cause if not they gonna trip?

...Nobody seems to appreciate the work a bruh/or sista do around here and I am sick and tired of it?

...I need another job cause I aint makin enough money to make it?

...Wish I had somebody to be with then I wouldn't feel all alone?

...I can't have another year like last year cause its gonna drive me insane?

STOP ! Because the passage says to "...think about these things" that are true, worthy of respect, just, pure, lovely, commendable, excellent and praiseworthy. Now each of these can be sumed up in one word. GOD!! Yeah, Yeah think about HIM.

...Bills due and car aint workin...GOD will supply all your needs according to HIS riches in glory!

...People may not appreciate you but GOD is love and HE gave HIS SON for you!!!!

...Single or married and feel all alone but GOD will never leave you or forsake you!!!

....Feel like you gonna loose your mind just tell it to the LORD and then the peace that surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus!!!!

Today lets not be MENTALLY INSANE but lets have MENTAL INSIGHT!! THINK ABOUT GOD!!